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The Return of Old Skool
Saturday, March 24, 2007

I have to admit that at times I feel I have more in common with the bones of a dinosaur than I really should. I don't remember at what point I stopped liking music on the radio
( With the exception of 101.5 the point) and stayed firmly planted in 1995 but for some reason I really do not have the stomach for current music. I take that back current music on the radio. But I digress, two of my favorite bands growing up were Dangerous Toys and Possessed. Granted they are like day and night one representing the hair/hard rock genre and the other representing the heavy death Metal of the spectrum Satan included. I recently dug these up these two favorites from the crypt ( Actually a box of old cassettes and records I have tucked away in the dark corners of the house) and decided to find out what said bands were up to. And much to my surprise they are still active.
Now granted I realize that the days of huge Arena Rock tours are long gone and the days of seeing bands like Possessed, Slayer, Venom and Celtic Frost all on one bill are never going to happen ( Only Slayer and Venom have toured on the same bill and that was for the Ulitmate Revenge Combat Tour) but every so often..... well more like every day for me I tend to time travel for a while when I pop in an old cassette or try to listen to a record on my old record player. Granted now everything is pretty much on people's Ipods or Zune's ( does anyone actually own one of those?) Anyway I am sure by the time that I am 60 years old I will have some sort of music device that beams the crap directly into my head and I am pretty sure that I won't be listening to anything even remotely current. It will be some of the bands I just mentioned and many other dating back to the golden age of the late 70's the 80's and early 90's. To which my grandkids will say damn grandpa your a dinosaur and that music was on records whats a record???

Someone please pass the geritol please.
posted by Wired Wizard @ 12:39 AM   0 comments
Previously on FBHP
Monday, March 19, 2007

Well today was a regular blast. I finaly got my machine back up to snuff dual boot working wonderfuly.

So my wife had this wonderful idea, lets go to the park with the kids ( that includes my two 6 year old nephews) and my 2 rug rats. Sure why not I say it's a nice day today the sky is of a deep blue and there is not a cloud in the sky.
Most of the afternoon was uneventful up untill it was time to leave. My nephew James who loves to rough house all the time kept kicking me and every time he would I was just trip him up and dump him on his ass. I decided to just tackle him and take him to the ground. What ended up happening was I lost my footing and started to fall with him underneath me. Instead of landing the child I tried my best to shift my weight and ended up with my elbow in my ribs and a loud snaping sound. Knocked the wind out of myself and actually thought I broke a rib or two.

Fast foward to where I am at the hospital. I tell you I think that most nurses must think they are comedians. The first words out of her mouth are where does it hurt. Well stupid didn't you read the fucking chart?? then the next question on a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst how would you rate you pain. This one is easy IM IN FUCKING PAIN STUPID I would say between 6 when I am not moving to about 10 when you asked me to remove my shirt any other questions oh wise one???? 5 hours to take X rays have a doctor look at me and then release me. I tell you there is something seriously wrong with our medical institutions. Good thing I came via ambulance as opposed to going to the E.R. or I might still be there.
So how was your day?

A guy goes to see his doctor and tells him doc it hurts when I do this the doctor tells him well quit doing that.
posted by Wired Wizard @ 12:18 AM   0 comments
Oopps I did it again
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Being the self proclaimed PC guru and self righteous arrogant bastard that I am, it amazes me how careless I can be at time. When ever someone calls and asks me to be their personal help desk I always preach the values of defraging a hard drive keeping anti-virus programs up to date etc etc etc. But do I do these things myself NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Case in point. I recently installed Linux with just a very basic understanding of the OS ( now I am forced to use it btw)
Well to make a long story short my hardware is on the verge of critical failure all the applications and personal crap that I had amassed on my other non Linux hard drives can't be accessed since the NTFS loader decided to become fucking MIA and when ever I try to boot the system it take the better half of 10 minutes just to get off of the BIOS screen. I tell ya I am just seconds away from taking this 14 lbs piece of headache inducing machinery placing it in the middle of my road and just running it over repeatedly with my car. Then for good measure hit it with a 10 lbs sledgehammer and the final insult just piss on the fucking shattered remains. This may or may not be my last post for a while depending on how my PC behaves that is.

Ahh the good old days
posted by Wired Wizard @ 12:49 AM   0 comments
The Power Of The Penguin???
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Like the vast majority of PC users I use a windows Product. Windows XP Pro actually. Not that I am some crazed Microsoft fan boy or anything but back when I first started using computers way back in the day everything was DOS.
So that is what I learned on and gradually upgraded to successive upgrades and version etc etc etc etc. But with the release of Windows Vista I started thinking why the hell am I going to shell out more money for another operating system when the one I have works fine. Sure all the bells and whistles are nice but dammit man I just can't keep the perpetual upgrade cycle going on forever. Not to mention every time the boys over at Microsoft decide to shove another OS down our throats it comes with a bigger price tag that the initial purchase of the program due to the minimum requirements for the OS. We are talking hard drive upgrades more ram and of course larger faster processors. I personally will stay away from Vista for a long time to come for various reasons including but not limited to the price point.

Rewind a few years back to when I was in college, one of the course I had to take was a unix/linux class. I rather enjoyed the interface and the stability of Linux but soon realized that I couldn't use it effectively for some of the other things that I did. Not to mention I was just to lazy to do the research to find work arounds for using windows based programs on linux.

Fast forward to Last night 3/6/07 I was reading up on linux because I found that it could be installed on to a PS3 and figured it was time to give the OS another shot. So far it is what I remembered Linux being but with a few surprises as well. As of right now I have converted my once Microsoft only machine into a hybrid Microsoft/Linux box ( Linux Fedora if your wondering) As a matter of fact this post is being done on said linux Distro. Lets see if I can use strictly Linux for a month minimum or if I will run back kicking and screaming to the safe haven that is Windows XP.

I wish that CTRL ALT DELETE would work on President Bush and his cronies
posted by Wired Wizard @ 3:20 PM   0 comments
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Name: Wired Wizard
Home: Lakeland, Florida, United States
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